I am a Year 7 student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Monday, 14 December 2020
Female performer with Tanpura
Friday, 20 November 2020
My ballet poem
Kia Ora,
Today I am going to be showing you what I have been doing for writing. For writing we had to write a poem about ballet. Today we are going to a ballerina show.
We had to describe what it was like. I wrote: white like my tutu ,white like my gloves, pink like my shoes and gold like my crown. After we were done I had to make a new google drawing I added some ballerina photos in and changed the background into a nice color. I also did three facts about ballet. Did you know that it takes 90 hours to make a tutu which is 4 days. Anyways I hoped you enjoy my writing. Here is a photo of my ballet poem enjoy :)).
Friday, 6 November 2020
The Athlectics
Kia Ora readers,
Today I'm going to be sharing with you people of what we have been doing this term. This term we were doing athletics. In athletics we did distance running, High jump, Long jump, Shot put, Discus, and lastly sprint. My 2 favorite activity's has to be sprint and high jump.
I like high jump cause its very challenging because you have to jump over a pole and its very hard because it goes higher every time. I also like sprint because you can go against other kids. From other classrooms.
On Wednesday we did sprinting the coach for sprints is Mrs T our teacher. So I think there were about 5 lanes yeah so one girl had to go on each lane. And other girls had to go behind us. So you had to but one leg back and one in the front we bent down a bit and once as Mrs T clapped the two bricks we had to start running. When Wednesday came the all of the kids had to come to the field we the year 6 girls had to sit in one line and the year 6 boys had to sit in one line to there were also kids to the little ones had to go first and then big kids once as it was the year 6 girls
I came 2nd place Talisa went first the 1 and 2nd girls went to finals. 1 was one of them same as my friends. The girls that had to race each other. It didn't really go as expected Tori came first . But me and the other year 6 girls came 2nd the teachers were so confused so they told us we had to redo the race. I was surprised cause I came 2nd I didn't really think I would go to zones :).
We will be going next week on Wednesday 11th of Nonmember. I am so excited but nervous at the same time. Thank you for reading my blog post have an amazing weekend.
Thursday, 29 October 2020
My Writing
Malo Lelei readers,
Today I am going to be sharing my writing I have been doing this week. We all have been learning about surface features. Surface features are little bits in your writing like punctuation spelling and repeated words. We had to fix our writing if there were words that was repeated the most. Why are we using surface features? Because it makes it easier for people to read and understand. Here is a example: thissentsaChulymakessen Zbuttisrellyhrd to reed this sentence doesn't have surface features. We also had to fix our writing if too many words were the same.
On our Room 9 site we our teacher put on a link to a story we needed to fix. We make our own copy . We had to read it once and find the end of the sentence. I hope this explains what surface features mean if you have any other questions feel free to comment
Here is a photo of my writing I have been working on this week. This is not my story I just had to highlight the words that were repeated and fix mistakes in this writing.
Friday, 23 October 2020
My Writing
Kia Ora readers,
Today I'm going to be sharing my writing. What we did for writing is that we wrote about a picture. We had to put language features but there also was senses the senses were. Hearing seeing smelling feeling and touch.
The writing was about.A lady that was turning 30 years old. It was an Tongan birthday party. Some people had on a puletaha. There were alot of food like pigs, horse, fish , And octopus.
The cake was beautiful it had amazing orange patterns on them. There were also nice stunning white flowers in the middle. There was a little girl in the left corner of the photo she was looking straight into the cake. She was ready to dig in.
There were about 35 people there. 5 aunties 15 children and 5 uncles and there were other kids but don't have no idea who they are.
But thank you for readying my blog here is my writing of this week :) enjoy.
Thank you for checking out my work. Please leave a comment and have a good day :).
Friday, 16 October 2020
Malo Lelei readers,
Today I'm going to be sharing the schools Fia Fia. So we practiced for about a month our teachers were Miss Cliford and Miss Harris. The girls only learned 2 dances and the boys learned 3 dances.
When it was time for fia fia night we had to wear pacific clothes some kids had to get some from the office cause they didn't have anything pacific to wear. We had to wear a puletaha its just a top and a skirt you would say in english.
But here is a photo of what a puletaha is.
So now you know what a puletaha is some puletaha looks like this but some doesn't. We had alot of fun at pacifica we had kids parents and siblings over and also some of the teachers.We had these necklaces on they were like fake flower around our necks.
I wore a white puletaha you would see me in the front of the video on the sixth line. There were also some pacific food they were called keke and sipi.
If you would like to watch the video it is right here.
Anyways thank you for reading my blog. Please leave a comment and have a incredible day :).
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Word of the week!!!1
Kia Ora readers,
Today I'm going to be sharing my word of the week. This word of the week is Tempting. If you go to classs blog and click on one childrens blog page you would see they have different words. cause this week our teacher told us that we were allowed to do our own weeks
but what I learned from tempting is Attractive and appealing. Like a strawberry is delicious and yummy.
I don't have any more ideas to share about what tempting means but you will find meanings in dictionary online or dictionary books . And also feel free to search on google.
But here is my Word Of The Week!!!.
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Commenting Competition!!!!
Kia Ora,
Today I'm going to be asking my family to comment on my blog. There is a commenting competition people in the whole school are doing it. We have get our family/Whanau to comment on our blogs it could be uncle's siblings and cousins. As long as there are family there are allowed.
The class with most family comments will get to have extra 10 minutes of play time!!! Parents can also win vouchers in spot prize draws. I'm thinking there are pakn'save cards or a farm gift card. I have no idea how much you will get but I'm asking my family to comment so my class room 9. Will be able to get picked in our assembly next week for the winning class of the week.
How We Get Ready For Fun Friday Sport
Today I'm going to be sharing my writing. Room 9 had to write about things we do I decided to write about how me and the diamonds get ready for netball for school Fridays sport. We had to use language features there was 6 language features that we had to use. They were Onomatopoeia, metaphor, personification , hyperbole, alliteration, and a dialogue. I only did hyperbole Onomatopoeia metaphor and alliteration. I only did a little cause I didn't really understand but here is my work enjoy.
Friday, 18 September 2020
MY Narrative Writing!!!
Kia Ora readers,
Today I am going to be sharing my narrative writing.
For narrative writing there was 6 boxes we had to write a story I added 3 characters They were Temera Tori and Malama I was Malama but I was a story teller. We had to write a story in each of them but we had to add language features.
One of the language features I used was a metaphor. A metaphor means that a person is like something else like you are tree or a sun. But my line was that " Temera was kicking Tori like a wild cat".
Another language feature I used was a Dialogue I said "GET HER GET HER HAND SHES A STRONG ONE!! " Tori said. The reason why I said it was a dialogue because someone is saying something.
I have not finished my story I only got to do my plans but I will be sure I will get it finish and post it when I have time.
But now I am going to be sharing my Narrative writing enjoy readers.
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
The Word of the week!
Kia Ora Readers,
Today I'm going to be sharing my word of the week. This word of the week is creative. Creative means you are imagining a painting and you use that imagining and you use that idea to create it into art.
Lets say if Divine was thinking about a dog on a hot dog and that's your idea because you're imagining it. So you spend your time drawing the dog on the hot dog on your mind.
But here is my amazing spectacular work enjoy.
Presenting MALAMA'S WORD OF THE WEEK!!!......
Thursday, 10 September 2020
Word Of The Week 20!!
Today I'm going to be sharing my word of the week. This word of the week is Cantankerous. Cantankerous means that you have a bad temper . Like a girl might be nice but she could have a Cantankerous personality. Which means she is grumpy and you don't get what you want and feel mad and upset.
So yeah that's basically what it means there are other reasons to it but you could search it on google or go onto a dictionary.
Here is my word of the week enjoy.
Friday, 4 September 2020
Word Of The Week!!! Defiant!
Today is the word of the week. This word of the week is defiant. It means your being aggressive and talking back to your older siblings and parents. Like when your parents asks you to go wash the dishes you like start to say no and say why don't you come and do it. Its like your getting smart and talking back.
Or like you ask to do the laundry and you just can't bothered and be like no i'm not doing that why don't you go and asks somebody else i'm not the only one in the house.
Word Of The Week Indignant
Today I am going to be sharing my word of the week. This word of the week is Indignant. Indignant means that your angry and you start to yell. And something that is unfair. Like a friend or a relative gets like a Iphone 10 and you only get a iPhone 7 plus but you think that its unfair because they got something better then you get so you start to yell and scream.
But here Is my word of the week.
Thank you for checking out my blog please leave a comment bye.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Word Of The Week!!! Remorse
Today I'm going too be sharing my word of the week. This word of the week is remorse remorse means that you feel guilt and shame.
This man felt guilt because he was drunk and he went home and started to through things around he was very angry he wanted to punch someone he went into his room and started to abuse his wife she was screaming the daughter came in and saw it and started to cry and scream she told him to stop. He turned around and gave her a black eye the wife ran to get the phone to call the police the police was lucky just there in time they arrested him and sent to prison for 3 year.
He went to jail he woke up in the next day and remembered everything he realized it was wrong and felt shame toward himself. He has been punishing himself for it.
Ok let me show you my word of the week. Cause I think I just told you a whole story anyways here it is...
Friday, 14 August 2020
My Writing
Kia Ora readers,
Today I'm going to be sharing my Writing. This writing is anything we had to choice a topic Adventure scary and other things. I chose scary It was about me and my friends Tori Temera and Huny. We had to add 2 metaphors and other language features.
Here let me explain some of my story. Me and my friends were walking to the mall in the middle of the night I felt something on my leg is was huge and cold. I stopped to look what it was I looked my pupils were getting small and huge, I saw a snake it was small as a snail. I shouted out for my friends help. They turned around to see what had happened they asked what was wrong. I told them there was a snake on my leg they didn't see anything and said theirs nothing on your leg with a confused look.
But let me stop there I might even end up telling you the whole story let me show you my work.
Word Of The Week!!!
Kia Ora Lovely Readers,
Today I'm going to be showing you my word of the week. When we came back from the weekends. Miss D didn't put up the word of the week cause we had to do something important that we had to finish off .
But the next day Miss D had written the word of the week. It was alienated I couldn't do my word of the week because we were practicing our assembly and we were also on a reading group.
But I got to finish it off today. So this word of the week is alienated. What I have learnt from alienated was that your not on good terms with someone and your apart and dislike each other. There are also words some are estrange and isolate.
But now I think I have explained enough let me show you my word of the week.
Presenting Malama's Word Of The Week!!.
Thursday, 13 August 2020
My Math Observation!!!
Kia Ora Readers,
Today I'm going to be sharing my Math Observation. Miss D showed us our math observation was a cool house we had to write 5 sentences about what we notice from the picture. What I have noticed was a crescent square and a rectangle. I also had to draw the shapes I have noticed from the picture. I wrote them down on a piece of paper it took me about 1 minute to draw. Because there were only 4 shapes I had noticed in the picture. I also noticed there was brown fence rectangle and a rectangle path. But I'm going to be sharing my math observation with you now enjoy.
Thank you for checking out my blog post. Please leave a comment :) .
Friday, 7 August 2020
Word Of The Week Validated!!
My Math Observation
Friday, 31 July 2020
Today I'm going to be sharing my writing that I have been only doing for 2 days now. So for writing in our class we were learning about personification. Personification is like when you pick a random object like a TV and you have to explain what it does that relates to what humans do like the TV makes noises. And stuff like that its just basically relating the object actions and emotions to humans actions and emotions. Like the TV could be black which could mean its sad which is similar to what people have which is emotions.
But the writing was about a mountain he was the voice that was talking in the video he was an evil menace. But my work will explain about what I was talking about :).
So yeah I'm going to be sharing my work with you now. Cause I think I have explained enough about personification. But if you still don't understand you could still ask some people or use the dictionary or google.
Here is my writing.

Thank you for reading my writing. Don't forget to leave comment and don't forget to smile.
Thursday, 30 July 2020
My Word Of The Week!!!
Today i'm going to be sharing the new word the week. A word of the week is something we do every week. But they have to be new words to learn.
But this word of the week is easy-going It might be a two word but actually is one word. Easy-going means unworried and relaxed. Like here is an example of easy-going. She will not find trade talks between Britain and the united states easy going.
But let me show you this word of the week.
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
My Story Board
Today I'm going to be sharing my storyboard with you. This storyboard story was about the Matariki brothers. It was about these lovely couple had sons they got into a fight or a war. And they all got separated. The couples were very sad that they got separated. Years later the sons grew up and had a fight on a rocky cold mountain. The god of war won instead of the god of lighting. The god of lighting got angry and started cry. He took out his eyes and threw them into the sky. Enough of my talking let me show you my storyboard and my screen castify of me telling the story.
Monday, 27 July 2020
My Math Observation!!
Friday, 24 July 2020
My Language features Term 3
Today I'm going to be sharing my work with you today. So i'm going to be sharing my language features Term 3. Miss D showed us a video of some 7 year old and 8 year old boys . She said that we had to watch the video. And imagine if we were that person running. She said we had to write down what we hear. Like I hear kids sibling or parents cheering for them. So that noise would either be GO or YAAA. Or you could hear your coach yelling at you to go faster. And that noise can be either STAY ON YOUR TRACK or DON'T SLOW DOWN!!!.
Here is the noise I heard while I was imagining I was in the race:
1. I hear people's voice cheering for other kids that goes CHEE WOOO OR YAA.
2. I hear kids feet stomping while there running that goes like BOOM BOOM.
3. I can also hear other kids puffing that goes like HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH.
4 I hear people's voice cracking while shouting their voices out like NOOO.
5. I can hear people's food dropping on the ground but sounds like a drop of water.
6. I can hear women's jewelry rubbing together that sounds like tezedizel.
That is what I can hear while i'm imagining I was in the race.
I also had to write a story of me in the race imaging what I could hear. Here is my work
Thank you for reading my work. Have an nice day :)
Monday, 20 July 2020
My Math observation!!
Today I'm going to be once again sharing my work with you. But different, I am going to be sharing my math observation to you. This math observation was about Ginny's fudge. I haven't had her fudges before but hopefully they taste delicious anyway. What I had to do was different to normal, we had to write at least a sentence of what we had been noticing on the photo. What I noticed on fudge was that they are all designed different like what they look like. some might have the same colors but created or tastes different. Or they have the same shape and size.
Anyway, here is my work of the math today.
TERM 3 Word of the week disillusioned!!
Today is Term 3, I'm going to be sharing my word of the week. It has been 2 weeks that I haven't done this. But this word of the week is disillusioned. Disillusioned means that if you were like missing out going out with your friends while you were sick. And fell asleep and had a dream that you were out with your friends having fun like going to the malls or like going to a park like Margaret mahy or a different park. But you wake up and find out its not true. And they feel sad and disappointed.
But enough of me explaining what happens. let me show you my work I have been working on for about 25 minutes or more.
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
My Perimeter and Area
Thank you for seeing my blog post. Comment down below and have a divine day.
Monday, 29 June 2020
Word of the Week Pleased
Friday, 26 June 2020
Math Observation #5
Yestarday, Miss D told us about modes, mean, and median. I learned that the stem area's are the tens. And the leaves are the 1's . We had to see what these answers were all about. We had make some mathematical statements about the graph. I found out that on the stem area number 5 that it was 50 and I also found out that the leaf area was the number 6 so I added 50 and 6 that equals 56 so Its like a pattern.
My Term 2 Writing :D
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Capturing You!
We have been working on creating a strong narrative. It had to be consistent, Believable , descriptive , and a strong structure. We had to be capturing the audience.
Yesterday me and my class room was learning about show not tell. We have to highlight the action words in our story. We had to search up thesaurus on google. We had to pick one of your highlight words that was a weak action word to a Strong action word.
We did it like this:
Here are the weak action sentence:Al gave Miss D a Coffee.
Here is the sentence we changed:Al Awarded Miss D a Delicious Hot Cappuccino.

Here is the link to the thesaurus site in case you need to change some action words.
Click here to Thesaurus site
Thank you for reading my Blog post. Please leave a comment and have a stunning day.
Monday, 22 June 2020
Word of the Week! Sceptical
This word of the week is sceptical .I was once sceptical when I told one of my friends that she can't do a backflip. Sceptical also means that is doubtful, doubtful means that you believe that they can't finish their work in 2 minutes. Or you don't believe that Diane can do a cartwheel.
Here is my word of the week enjoy.
Thank you for reading my word of the week writing. Please leave a comment and share with your classmates or friends.
Friday, 19 June 2020
Narrative structure
We have been doing our Narrative writing we had to make it strong consistent, believable, and descriptive.
This is what you can find on our site.
We are learning to create a strong narrative.
It needs to be believable. It needs to be descriptive. Remember this week we are adding the details that describe the type of character, setting and complications in your narrative. We are trying to add in all the details that will make your narrative believable. Make your reader believe in your character, love your character and want to be a part of your story with your character.
It needs to be consistent.
We create a strong narrative by following a narrative structure. If we do not use a narrative structure then the 'text' we are creating is not a narrative. Narratives need to include a plot in order fro them to be a narrative.
We had to say who are our characters what time and place did it start from and what is the worst situation in story. The worst part of the story is when the animals are started to get very sick from the virus. Sonic and Tails are disappearing and losing their powers. So they wouldn't exist in the real world the only way they could get out if another person went on the island.
Here is my Narrative Structure writing.
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Math Observation 4
Today I'm going to be talking and sharing my math observation with you.
We had to write down what numbers or patterns we can see in this picture. We also had to write down equations or questions of the picture.
Like they had 5 bugs in this photo and they have patterns on their backs. Here are some photos of the bug and here is also my work.
We are continuing to prove our maths thinking and ideas in different ways.
Let's keep proving our thinking by the answering one question in 3 different ways. Remember you are not trying to just get the answer. You are trying to prove your thinking in different ways.
Here is a photo of the same bug
but a different color. Here is my math observation work.

Thank you for reading my math observation blog post. Please leave comment and share.
Monday, 15 June 2020
Word Of The Week!!! Withdrawn
Hey readers today I'm going to be sharing my word of the week with you . This word of the week is Withdrawn. Being Withdrawn is like being lonely. I have been lonely when I went to school . One day I was lonely because I had no friends to talk to or to play with . So that is how I was lonely and what withdrawn means. Here is my word of the week enjoy my writing.
Monday, 8 June 2020
Word of the Week!!! Cheeky
Thursday, 4 June 2020
Doing a Strong Narrative!!
Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Word of the Week!!! Nauseated
Today i'm going to be sharing my Word of the Week with you.
This Word of the Week is Nauseated what I learned from Nauseated is when you feel sick.
Here is my learning.
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Work Of The Week !!! Concerned
Hi everyone today's word of the week is Concerned what I learned from Concerned is when your feeling worried or disturbed. Here is my word of the week.
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
Word Of The Week Refreshed
Monday, 20 April 2020
Friday, 17 April 2020
This word of the week is Exasperated I found out that Exasperated means that you frustrated angry at your kid of having a long tantrum.Here is my master piece.
Thank you for reading my Word of the Week please leave a comment and have a wonderful day.
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
WORD OF THE WEEK!!!! confident
This word of the week is confident I found out that confident means that you sure that the answer is correct.If I was confident i am not shy to go up and sing in front of 70 people.I have done a slide to show you guys what confident means.